The Catholic novena prayer is a collection of prayers offered over the course of nine days, seeking intercession from saints or the Holy Spirit for specific intentions or petitions.
A Catholic novena prayer is a traditional form of prayer that involves saying specific prayers over nine consecutive days. Novenas are often used to ask for special graces, seek intercession from saints, or prepare for a particular feast day or celebration.
During a novena, Catholics may recite specific prayers, meditate on scripture readings, or focus on a particular intention for each day of the nine-day period.
Participating a novena can be a powerful spiritual practice and a way to deepen one’s faith by committing to prayer for a specific intention over an extended period of time.
Many Catholic churches and communities organize novenas throughout the year for various intentions or feast days.
Novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis
Novena to Defeat The Work of Satan
Novena to the Precious Blood of Jesus
Holy Souls in Purgatory Novena
Mother of Perpetual Help Novena
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Novena